Measure & Release
New Club Category!
Enter your species that you wish to release! We are thrilled to allow the ability to measure, record & release your fish for club recognition!
Grab yourself one of the club's new fantastic Measure Mats from the online store and submit your Measure & Release Entry.
​Measure & Release Category is open to the following species: Yellowtail Kingfish, Mulloway, Estuary Perch, Bream, Murray Cod, Golden Perch, Bass.
​Minimum Lengths apply to each, see entry form.
*Fish entry only accepted with one of the following; WOLGFC Mat, IGFA, NSW DPI or Shimano measure mat.
*Photograph must be taken directly above the fish, laying flat on the mat with the nose of the fish at the start of the bump board.
*An additional photo of the angler holding the fish is preferred for club publication.